Thursday, September 4, 2008

Bright Blue Dress - $2.99

Here's a bargain from the Charlotte Russe sale.  This dress was originally $22.99 (still cheap), but had a blue dot on the price tag, so it was on sale for $2.99!  Almost 90% off...that's why math is important.  Today is a day of 2 dance classes so I wore my leo under the dress, makes for a quick change, just add tights and I'm ready to go!  Here are the other details:
Bright blue spaghetti strap dress  Charloote Russe  orig.  22.99  $2.99
Bright yellow sleeveless hoodie    Wet Seal   $6.75  (part of BOGO free)
Necklaces (2) earrings and bracelets  Icing/Claires  .50-1.00
Bright yellow/blue tennis shoes   Payless  17.99
Pink Velvet Purse with chains and charms  $4.74

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